Tag: dairy

  • Oats and ‘Nanner Drops

    We’ve been introducing new foods to Riley very slowly. With the family history of allergies and his already found sensitivity to dairy through my milk and his eczema, his pediatrician and Landon’s allergy doctor want us to just go slow with food, especially those top 8. For the longest time (it seems) we’ve just been doing single food meals,…

  • Cereal – Gluten, Dairy, Soy free

    Cereal – Gluten, Dairy, Soy free

    With breakfast being the most important meal of the day, we don’t have much in the way of foods for breakfast other than the scones and muffins, so I thought I would share some of the cereals that we have found to be “safe”. Below you will find a list of cereals that we have…

  • Chicken Cordon Bleu

    With the arrival of Riley (our second son) we have been looking for recipes that are easily frozen and when thawed, don’t turn to mush. My sister had made Chicken Cordon Bleu before with corn flakes, and it was really good. The problem now is that we think Landon’s stomach is sensitive to corn, so…

  • Gluten-Free Cake Donuts Recipe

    Gluten-Free Cake Donuts Recipe

    Oh let the cravings begin… uh isn’t the pregnant one suppose to have the cravings? I have been craving Donuts for a long time, and thanks to my mom giving us her donut pans we have lift off.  We didn’t have all of the ingredients that the original recipe so let the substitutions begin!
